Nice To Get Back in the Ocean

By Scott Lenox

Nice To Get Back in the Ocean

Check out the vid….Atlantic Tackle has it all!

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star reported in that it was down right nasty in the ocean this morning.  Forecast wasn’t quite what they said it was supposed to be, but by the afternoon it had calmed down nicely and should stay that way for a few days.  A front looks to come through the area on Saturday afternoon or evening, but until then we’re looking at less than 10 knots and sunny skies.

It was reel nice for some of the fleet to get back to the ocean after several days off thanks to the northeast wind.  The aforementioned Captain Monty didn’t know if he’d stay when he first got out, but he did and had an excellent day of fishing.

Tied her loose this am to find a California sunrise – left coasts’ massive fires causing a smoky yellowish haze. Didn’t take any reef blocks today. Had all we wanted with a pair of 100lb anchors & mounds of heavy rope – anchor line from 1 1/4” 3 strand nylon to 3 inch hawser – so that we might put the 85’ Tug, ‘Hoss,’ exactly where we want it.
With a widely spaced 14 second ground swell to 11 feet, and a fresh NW breeze over 20knots, it was too dicey for a drift set with those 100lb Navy anchors.
Put one of my regular fishing anchors down instead and pivoted off that while deploying the heavy stuff off the stern to make a perfectly safe reef marker.
Still, winds were not as forecast – a nasty set was building from the NNW. Wasn’t at all sure we’d make a day if it. I anchored again over WillBilly’s Memorial Reef and nicked a few keeper sea bass while waiting for conditions to catch up with the forecast.
And they did.. Wind fell out, seas piped down; slid on offshore aways to put some cbass limits along the rail.
Beats sitting at the dock.. .. ..
Young migrant birds often get blown offshore this time of year – usually a fatal mistake, I’m sure. Some lost migrants, however, hitchhike back ashore with us. Today’s stowaways included a northern flicker, red breasted nuthatch, and a brown thrasher. Big ocean out there. I’ve seen seagulls eat their smaller terrestrial cousins after they collapse, enervated, into the sea. It’s an unkind world. . .

Lost a solid week to that dry NE wind. Took care of a major business issue in that time though—opened a new reservation line for the Morning Star. Figured with a change that big I may as well make another. Started carrying 18 souls instead of 25 when the Guvnor allowed us to begin fishing again this spring. Seemed everyone liked it all summer long; mates & myself included.
Now the rod holders have been reconfigured, there’s a new chart on the website too. It shows spots 1 through 18, not 25. It’s staying that way — ain’t going back.
“The Party Boat That’s Never Too Crowded” just became even less so.

Captain Drew Zerbe of the Tortuga was able to find this angler a keeper sized red drum on this morning’s trip.

Back bay water conditions have been pretty dirty for flounder fishing, but this masked marauder snuck up on a nice keeper while patrolling the Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City.

Big Bird Cropper and Dave had a fun day at the route 50 bridge catching some “snapper” sized bluefish.

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