Posted on May 16th, 2015
The Ocean City Reef Foundation will be holding it’s annual dinner at the Ocean City Marlin Club Sunday, May 17th from 4:30 – 7 PM. Tickets are $20 at the door only and there will be a 50/50 raffle, and live, silent and Chinese auctions with all sorts of cool prizes. If you can’t make the dinner but would still like to receive the OCRF reef charts as an annual donor….click here: http://www.ocreeffoundation.com/donate.asp
The Judith M out of Bahia Marina caught sea bass from 2-3 pounds, ling cod and one pollack.
Inshore the Bay Bee had six keeper flounder on their morning trip and one HUGE chopper bluefish. The fish were caught in the east channel north of the Rt 50 bridge.
You can find all of these party boats and the inshore charter boat Ocean City Guide Service under Inshore here at fishinoc.com
Photo courtesy of @cmiz2184 #fishinoc