Posted on April 1st, 2017
The first flounder of the season was caught in Virginia just a few days ago so Ocean City anglers have been anxiously anticipating word on the first flounder caught in Maryland.
Well not only has Captain John Prather of Fish in OC inshore charter boat OC Guide Service caught Ocean City’s first keeper flounder of the season, he has also caught what may be a new all-tackle world record for the species. The current world record for flounder was caught by Captain Charles Nappi in Montauk, NY back in 1975 and was a huge 22.7 pound fish. If it qualifies Captain John’s fish will eclipse the current record by over 5 pounds.
The big flounder weighs in at a whopping 27.9 pounds!! Captain John says this true “doormat” ate a Z Man Paddler Z tipped with mackerel while he was drifting the east channel with his first charter of the season.
Congratulations to Captain John and the crew of Ocean City Guide Service on this truly unbelievable catch.

Here is a great shot of Captain John with his charter from today.

Oh….and Happy April Fools!!!
All aspects of this nonsense post have been approved by Captain John Prather, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.