Posted on June 5th, 2019
We had a windy day today in and around Ocean City with a stiff southerly breeze that had 0 boats in the ocean and only a few brave souls on the bay. When I drove over the route 50 bridge the water was surprisingly clean, but it was also white capping pretty good. My good buddy Captain Luke Blume gave it a try with the kids and had no luck, but he did see a nice bluefish from the route 50 bridge. We also had some major thunderstorms roll through the area just a little while ago that dumped heavy rain on us….hopefully the wind and runoff don’t dirty the bay up too bad.
I got a couple of reports today from some of the Fish in OC inshore fleet that prompted me to highlight some different fishing options that folks can take advantage of here in Ocean City. We have several inshore charter boat partners that offer inshore shark fishing and a few that offer bowfishing for rays in our back bays. You can find the entire inshore charter fleet and what they offer here …FishinOC.com/InshoreCharters
Last night Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters got out for his first inshore shark fishing trip of the year and had great success. Captain Chase and crew were 5 sharks for 9 bites and released a mix of sandbar and sand tiger sharks. The largest sandbar was 78″ and took an hour to get to the boat, and the largest sand tiger was a big 95″.

Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing was out yesterday and found some clean water and some rays. Captain Marc put his shooters on good action for cow nosed rays and a couple of big southern rays.