Sea Bass Limits in The Ocean, Rockfish, Tog and Drum in The Bay

By Scott Lenox

Sea Bass Limits in The Ocean, Rockfish, Tog and Drum in The Bay

Hit the vid for the Daily Catch at the Ocean City Fishing Center with Morning Star Fishing!

Happy Black Friday everyone!  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends and I hope you got all the deals you wanted during the busiest shopping day of the year.  Some folks would forego the in-store shopping for TVs  and leaf blowers today opting for a little dropping at the south jetty and at Sea Bass R Us….and they found what they were looking for.

Back bay fishing was really good today for those that tried it around Martha’s Landing, the Route 50 bridge and the north and south jetties.  Young Theo Post outfitted his dad Dylan and his uncle Donny today catching these keeper tautog of 17″ and 18″.

Jeff Weeks and Dave Weller fished the north and south jetties and had some luck with throback rockfish, some short sheepshead and these three keeper tautog to 17.5″.

Big Bird Cropper fished solo today and had some fun with the throwback rockfish around the route 50 bridge.  He also found this nice red drum by the south jetty.

Shawn Flaherty had a crazy good day at the south jetty today.  He had some great catch and release action and also kept a rockfish, a black drum and a red drum.

Captain Monty Hawkins was fooled by the weatherman a bit today, but his clients didn’t mind after a boat limit of sea bass.

See under Fish Report Tab for new trips – Lots of room all trips–super calm 11/26 Sunday! (Competing with opportunity for fresh venison at a good distance – rifle opens 11/25..) 

Ah, well, Today!! 

Despite one fellow who drove a tad too far, we got underway in time to catch a fine sunrise. Ambled on off just a bit further before realizing the weatherman was full of something other than turkey. North @ 13 coming 10 was the forecast — north at 16 to 19 actual. Lots of 19. 

I pondered an about-face several times but all forecasts I saw called for winds to fall out. We pressed on hoping for 10 knots later.. 

Big Jon dropped our twenty reef blocks before we began to target “the unturkey” – sea bass. 

Took note of winds again about 9:45am – with doubles around the rail save on jigs, I showed 17.5 kts on the wind gauge & N on the compass. Despite less than perfect sea conditions, some clients were already 1/3 of the way to their 15 fish bag limit. 

Just 15 min later at 10am I had 16.5 knts and our first client in double digits.. 

That’s a pace of catching we can make work our favor – especially if the wind falls out as our catch goes up.. 

At 11:15 the display showed 14.6 knots & the ocean was clearly piping down. Now I had many clients in double digits – Earl had bagged out at 10:36.

All were done before 1.

Nice fishing. 

Took a jig today too; make’s it sweeter still. 

Been seeing some sea bass spit up smalls. Today I saw the shortest sea bass I’ve ever seen in the ocean – 3 inches. Another cbass had eaten it. 

Now here come spiny dogfish..

Tough world out there. 



Make sure to check out our online sale going on through Cyber Monday at   Deadly Doubles, Double Troubles, Squidlys rigs are all on sale along with our Back the Blue apparel at 20% off!

Check out my party boat trip from this fall….Subscribe!!

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