Some Keeper Trout And A 29″ Flounder

By Scott Lenox

Some Keeper Trout And A 29″ Flounder

Hit the vid for the Daily Catch at The Ocean City Fishing Center!

Yup, we had some more absolutely beautiful weather today, but today was the last full day of it.  Tomorrow’s forecast high is around 81 degrees, but tomorrow’s low is 47 as a cool front pushes through the area bringing in way more seasonal type weather.  Highs the rest of the week will be in the 50s and then 60s, but as long as the sun is shining we’ll be getting out there on some of the awesome fishing that is going on this fall.

I got to sneak out this afternoon for a few hours to do some flounder drifting in the east channel and had a good time.  I caught 13 throwback sized fish and one keeper at 17.5″ on the Deadly Tackle Deadly Double in chartreuse.

Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides had an ocean bottom fishing trip today and he showed his anglers how it’s done by putting them on some good flounder fishing.  Captain Chase himself caught the biggest fish of the day at a whopping 29″ and 9.5 pounds.

The back bay fishing for Captain Jason Mumford and his anglers on Lucky Break continues to be fire with good flounder fishing and keeper tautog.  Lucky Breaks largest flounder today went almost 5 pounds.

Captain Chris Mizurak of the Angler reported another slowish sea bass bite, but there were some nice flounder and some weakfish (grey trout) that ended up in coolers.

Anglers on board the Morning Star with Captain Monty Hawkins had some good fishing today with some very nice sea bass coming over the rail.

Considering this was a day I didn’t even think would happen 48 hrs ago, we sure came out of it in good shape.
Tied her loose into yet another fabulous Aug-tober day. Found another calm sea and enjoyed perhaps the most fantastic sunrise all season.
Ms Sherry & young Ms Alyssa dropped twenty reef blocks into that gorgeous sunrise amidst 544 pyramids now deployed at Bear Concrete Reef. There will be many more.. Sure made for an epic picture. This reef isn’t on ‘the list’ for block drops. Reason I was there was to sidescan Capt Stormy’s latest (& quite impressive!) deployment. Monitoring component accomplished and blocks deployed, we pressed on.
The two main concrete plants that are using their waste, and even fresh mixed concrete for pyramids; Kinsley Construction & Bear Concrete are creating a huge reef footprint at the Bass Grounds with our 170lb pyramid reef unit molds. There’s still lots and lots of room to run though – square miles of open bottom in that Army Corps artificial reef permit ..much of it was once natural reef too. If you know of another concrete plant where the fellows enjoy fishing & might participate – send em my way. We’ll fix em up with some molds real quick. Unlike well-known round ones – ours are super easy to assemble.. ([email protected])
Fishing began well enough; saw lots of throwbacks as must be the case during this part of our season. I say ‘must’ – it isn’t just big ones; as smalls/mediums, even tiny YOY begin to move on off, they knot up tight – that’s why the catching is so good even if sometimes ‘the keeping’ isn’t..
Big John’s been on a tear all week. Again today he boxed the first limit and commenced to helping pay rent. Luck of the bite; a case of the ‘haves and have nots’ developed. Incredibly(!) Cathy, Our Lady Of The Kitties, was in the latter category..
Don’t know if I’d seen that particular (knife)twist of fate before. Certainly have in other excellent anglers. I have seen her bring grown men to tears – seriously – even back in the 1980s when we were seatrout fishing. She could feel the bite while braggarts couldn’t. As Shakespeare wrote: “truth will out” and did!
Still, I guess sometimes it’s just not your turn.
By and by though she pulled out of her slump & boxed up a limit – many dinners for her & 11 cats..
Never did see a fluke today. Who can figure..
My long time friend, Flemming, boated today’s pool winner – from among a lot of competition too!
A day or two of rest and back at it..
JD and Mary Eddy, and Biscuit had a good day of fishing on their final trip of the season boxing up three flounder and 22 sea bass.
Some of the Always Bent fishing crew headed over to the Rock the Choptank Tournament on Saturday of this weekend and made a good showing ending up in the prize money.

Check out some party boat fishing out of Ocean City in the below vid….Subscribe!!

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