Some Surprise Speckled Trout

By Scott Lenox

Some Surprise Speckled Trout

Just like almost everything in our world, the Daily Angle fishing report has come to a grinding halt.  There are still some folks getting out, but fishing interests have been severely limited for good reason.  Currently Maryland is under a “stay at home” order, but “limited fishing and hunting for sustenance” are permitted.  Catch and release fishing and recreational boating are prohibited.  Yeah, I know, it’s vague, but just like the Governor has said, use common sense.  Fishing with your family for food is probably ok, but getting together at the dock or rafting up at the sandbar are not.  On to what I’ve got….

I’ve gotten a couple of reports over the past week or so of some speckled trout that have been caught in the back bays of Ocean City and they are definitely for sustenance.  Speckled trout, or “specks” are very good eats.  The first fish that I saw was from Shaun who was casting Big Bird’s Roy Rig at the route 50 bridge when he landed a couple of legal sized specks.

That fish wasn’t a fluke…no pun intended….as I got another pic of a nice speck that was caught today.  Bryan Mullins was fishing with his wife Mary at the route 90 bridge this morning when he was surprised by this nice speckled trout.  The couple also caught and released some short striped bass before the weather turned.

My buddy Ayrton “The Kayak Kid” Pryor was fishing the marshes north of the route 90 bridge a few days ago when he absolutely slayed the striped bass.  Ayrton used jigs and shads to catch and release 65 rockfish and managed a sustenance fish at just over 28″.

Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing has been having terrific luck with bowfishing snakeheads recently and has managed some tasty fillets for his shooters.

Louden Swain and his dad Randy had a good day of fishing Pop’s pier last week when they landed some blue catfish including this good fish.

Captain Jim Emanuel continued his pillage of the fresh water fish in the area one day this week.  Captain Jim used night crawlers to put a stringer of jumbo shell crackers together that were later released to Lake Crisco.

I’ve had some folks recently ask me where they could find my flounder seminar from last week if they didn’t have Facebook, and up until now there wasn’t a place….well now there is.  Below is the screen share version of the seminar followed by the question and answer session that we had.  Thanks for watching and good luck.

Ocean City, MD Flounder Fishing Seminar by Scott Lenox

Question and Answer Session.

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