We had some really nice weather today in and around Ocean City with sunny skies, warm temps and light breezes for most of the day. The ocean roughed up a bit inshore as the northeast wind started to blow again, but that was after many fish had been caught and anglers were back to the dock.
Our second Angler Fishing Trip and Seminar went off without a hitch today and we caught a lot of fish. We started catching sea bass at our very first spot and that continued until Captain Chris called lines up for the last time and we headed home. We estimated over 250 keeper sea bass and over 1,000 throwback sea bass and everyone had a great time on board. Today’s fishing trip will be an episode of Hooked on OC in the coming weeks, and it should be a good one!
The private boat Instigator fishing out of Sunset Marina had an awesome trip to the deep where they caught and released a white marlin, boxed a bunch of mahi, released two mako sharks and boated four very nice swordfish to 170 pounds.
Captain Chris Watkowski and his crew on the Spring Mix II had a good day in the canyons today when they released a white marlin and boxed a mahi and two nice yellowfin tuna.
Captain Jason Mumford of Lucky Break Charters had a great day fishing the OC Inlet with his group. Lucky Break ended up with a bunch of nice sheepshead and two keeper flounder.
Captain Dave Caffrey of On the Run Charters has been taking advantage of the awesome OC Inlet fishing as well putting his last few parties on some very nice sheepshead, some keeper tautog and one red drum that was released.
Big Bird Cropper and Shaun Flaherty had a great day throwing Roy Rigs at the route 50 bridge. The guys caught and released several rockfish, including a 33” fish, and also caught keeper flounder and bluefish to complete a back bay slam.
Captain Kane Bounds of the Fish Bound reported out that sea bass fishing has been very, very good over the past few trips and that flounder fishing in improving with several keepers in the mix.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star had a slowish start to the fishing day, but by day’s end things added up nicely.
Arrived at the marina to see the giant Shantytown flag puffed enough from the NE to be standing out – perhaps 10 to 12 knots.
Whuuuuut? Warn’t no such wind as that in any forecast.. Thankfully nothing came of it. Wasn’t long before forecasted switchy winds of less than ten knots came true.
Spank was helping to hold blocks in the swell, then got pressed into duty when I too quickly came to my mark.
Bullseye though.
Joey then took a water clarity reading – was 1.5 fathoms four days ago, 4.5 fathoms of vis today at the same spot. As stirred up dead algae settles from the water column, clarity improves..
Why do we have enough dead algae on the seabed to substantially decrease visibility even in the ocean?
Same as in our large estuaries.. Oysters!
Without vast biofilters ingesting our large bays’ excess nutrients? Algae will flourish.
Marine water quality will improve or decline in direct proportion to estuarine oysters’ biofiltration. Oyster’s effect on marine water quality is called a ‘benthic/pelagic coupling.’
I’m unsure if our beautiful marine waters this summer past were in part bolstered by much improved oyster restoration of the last 15 years – or just lucky shots of water..
Was this possibly the begginings of a large marine ecosystem repair?
The more oysters they grow in Ches & DE Bays, the better our marine water will be..
Guarantee it.
Yesterday’s fishing began with a smoking hot bite; mostly shorts, but doubledoubledouble every drop.
Ehh.. Not so much!
Slowwww bite first thing with more keepers than throwbacks.
Super slow.
Except for David. He was waaaay ahead of the pack with double digits at 11:30. I still had a client keeper skunked at that point. He does that.
Around noon it began to improve with everyone in on it.
At noon-thirty Cornflower was boxed out.
At that point next highest had seven.
Who can figure it.
In way of a promise made today for tomorrow’s easterlies; come about 1 o’clock, winds picked up out of the east at 15 knots – just enough to make whitecaps with a Napoleon attitude–little bit short, but angry.
By day’s end David alone was boxed out. Using his Reef Builder’s Karma, Spank slid into double digits with Craig & then Big Jon also crossing the mark right at the bell..
Be toggin next week during the sea bass closure – will announce those trips, as well as the resumption of cbass, via my emailed ‘Fish Report’ (sign on at morningstarfishing.com – and unlikely replicated on FB because I’ll only carry a few souls.)
Man, this weather has sucked! I’m listening to rain right now, we had snow yesterday and this weekend looks like there may be more rain in the forecast. Throw in some wind and very cold temperatures… READ MORE
Crab Pie Ingredients 1 Pound jumbo lump crab meat 2 Deep Dish Pie Crusts (this recipe will make 2 pies) 1/4 cup of diced onion (or shallots) 8 oz of Swiss cheese 2 Tablespoons flour 3… READ MORE