Posted on November 27th, 2020
It was a beautiful November day today with warmer than average temperatures, light winds and sunny skies. Lots of folks were out enjoying some Black Friday deals and lots of others were out on the water. We’ve got a 20% off sale running over at www.FishinOC.com/shop through Sunday so if you’re looking to fill some stockings it’s the best time of the year to buy Fish in OC rigs. www.FishinOC.com/shop
Today’s nice weather had anglers out in full force and the local party and charter fleet was in on the action big time. Captain Chris Mizurak of the Angler saw some awesome fishing off the beach today with sea bass, triggerfish and flounder with a couple of nice doormats. The two biggest flounder of the day were 5.5 and 7.5 pounds!

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star had a boat limit of sea bass today and has plenty of room for tomorrow’s trip if you want to get in on the action.
Beautiful fall day off there; sea bass acted like it was fall too. That’s a switch. Had a boat limit for all anglers at 12:25 – then a fellow who’d chosen to nap all morning (& will likely have sore ribs and throat tomorrow owing his erroneous “I won’t need Bonine” thinking) ..you know, that guy. Well, after my mates had medicated him he decided he was going to fish after all.
Ran some buckets around the rail and proceeded to help with his limit. From zero to a limit in 32 minutes. Then we struck a course for home!
Nice fishing.
Rich Bulizak of Seaford DE had our first limit at 10:50, while Adm. Tim Odell of Abingdon MD took everyone’s pool money.
Owing my screwup(!) I have a lot of spots open tomorrow – forecast is fantastic – caught two boat limits in a row..
C’mon and go fishing!

My buddy Blake Gunther was out fishing with Captain Jason Stokes and Papa Stokes today and had an epic day of ocean bottom fishing. The guys had triggerfish, sea bass and a limit of tautog up to 9.5 pounds.

Back bay fishing continues to impress and today Captain Jason Mumford of Lucky Break Charters took advantage of the nice weather and put some clients on some fish. Captain Jason had his anglers box tautog and red drum on a beautiful November day.

Anglers fishing the Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City are still having luck with the tautog and the pier is having a sale this weekend on some Penn combos.

Mikey Pittara was fishing with his dad Mike when he landed this 28 1/2″ keeper rockfish in the north bay.